Friday, March 4, 2011

♥ 4 Things

I haven't been loving many things this week since I haven't even left the confines of my apartment but I am on the road to recovery and will resume usual blogging next week.

However, there are a handful of things I couldn't have lived without this week.

My flu survival kit of Vicks, Vaseline, paracetamol, tissues and vitamin tablets.

The flowers I bought last week which I've had a lot more time to appreciate than I thought I would.

The posh cheese container I now use to hold all my loose pieces of paper

And last but by certainly not least, my boyfriend, who has been nothing but caring and attentive this week, and has not complained once.


1 comment:

  1. I like to think of Olbas Oil, Tissues, Day Nurse, vitamins and strepsils as the power rangers of Cold-Attack. Also, they could be in a band called the Flu Fighters
