Thursday, August 18, 2011

Plum Jam Roly Poly

We spent last weekend at my Grandparents and as usual, on leaving we were ladled with about a weeks worth of food. Amongst it all we were given a jar of my Grandmother's homemade plum jam (made with home grown plums might I add). Although I love jam, I tend to find it difficult to use - if that makes sense. I prefer other things on my toast and savory things in my sandwiches, so often it ends up sitting in the cupboard for months on end unless I consciously decide to utilize it in a dessert.

And this is precisely what I did. Jam roly poly was the order of the day - a traditional, simple and nostalgic recipe which gives me (and others, I'm sure) a warm, fuzzy feeling when eaten straight from the oven with custard.

I used this recipe but didn't measure out the jam and instead just piled lots on in an attempt to use a whole jar.

Homemade plum jam

The dough mix

Rolled out

Jam layer

All rolled up

The finished product


  1. That looks amazing! Definitely going to try it! I found your blog through my friend, apparently you know her, Lucy Carroll? Glad I'm following :)

  2. Yes! I worked with her at Harrods. Glad you like my blog! :)
