I like to make a dessert that will last the week, rather than going out and buying one because for some reason, you feel less guilty eating something you've made yourself. It's somehow justified that because you put the effort in to make it, you actually deserve to eat it as well. Well maybe that's just my logic.
I had some over ripe bananas left over from the week before and I really do hate to throw away food so decided to use them in a banana bread. Of course I don't actually have a loaf tin so it ended up being a cake, but the process is essentially identical.
I used this recipe from the BBC Food website, by John Barrowman of all people. It was simple, easy to follow and came out great. I baked mine for about 15 minutes longer than the recipe called for but I figured it was because I used a different shaped tin.
I've made a banana bread for Maria's Gaga before, seen here, but I think I prefer this recipe because the sponge colour is a little less perfect, more rustic and varied. And it's also slightly flakier with a darker crust on the outside. The first one I made was more golden in colour, the sponge uniform and was more like a cake consistency than a "loaf". They were both delicious but I think the slight variations in colour and texture make all the difference.
Creamed butter and sugar mix and mashed banana
One of my all time favourite cakes which still invokes happy childhood memories.:) <3